
Your direct mail campaign's success relies on the quality of the list to which it is mailed. Command-M will help you evaluate your current list or help you develop a list designed to put your message in the right hands. We will help you answer questions like: Are you contacting the most precise target possible for your offer? Are you enjoying the highest response rate possible? Are you contacting your customer base often enough? Once we develop a list and plan, Command-M will help you maintain your database so it remains as
effective as possible for the long run.
In Addition some of our services are:
- Merge /Purge multiple list
- Scan Data for Proper prefixes and suffixes & for proper upper / lower caps
- Daily backup of all data
- Dally scanning of data for virus.
- Flag records that have previously purchased at your store for future mailings
- Ordering of Mailing List
- List Management
- File Conversion
- Mail Merge Laser Letters
For an evaluation of your current data please e-mail us at data@command-m.com